12:39 AM


Islam/Salaam (Al Salamu Allah [swt] Alaikum),

we are the living children of the original man, the living descendants of the first Angels of the human family, and the living image and likeness of Allah (swt) upon the Earth-land. we are the Ever-Lasting Tribe (sons and daughters) of the Ever-Living God, Allah (swt), The Moors (Supreme beings).

from pre-time, to that period of post-time, when all that was created (creating time) will be uncreated, we, The Moors, have existed in one form or another. as we know that Man is not the body but the Spirit-Man, the Lord of Soul that has fallen into the stage of humanity that he now exist, but is now rising again to reclaim his vast estate.

as The Holy Prophet (asa) returned this knowledge to those whom had lost it, the knowledge of who we really are, and what we are really here to do, it has manifested into our physical reality, the Moorish American Nation lives on through our physical Tribe. we are no longer Men and Women with Tribal Names, we are now a Living Tribe in the flesh.

we have established our Nation, Tribe and its communities, we have established our National/Tribal Language, banner, National/Tribal anthem, declaration of rights, self proclamation, etc. we have re-established not only our own Ideals of our culture historically, but now we have established our own culture here and now physically.

we are True Moorish Americans, for those that understand.

we have established our Moorish Government, and we are building our future. just as our forefathers have, or as we had as our forefathers, as the Spirit-Man never dies while Allah (swt) lives. we know that there really has been nothing but one Everlasting Empire being established and re-established by our people since the beginning of recorded history on this planet. the recorded history of our travels under different names, languages, ideals, cultures, etc.

but, we are, and will always be, the living children of the original man, the living descendants of the first Angels of the human family, and the living image and likeness of Allah (swt) upon the Earth-land. we are the Ever-Lasting Tribe (sons and daughters) of the Ever-Living God, Allah (swt), The Moors (Supreme beings).

it is our duty, obligation and responsibility to further unite our people into one global dominion, based solely upon L.T.P.F.J. (Islamism: The Divine Science of their Salvation, founded by self, for self).

we were The Ancient Egyptians Civilization, The Ancient Sumerian Civilization, The Ancient Indus Valley Civilization, etc. and all of these discoveries have been but the re-discovery of our own selves throughout time.

today marks the period of our resurrection and restoration, when Man is driven to one end, and one end alone, Oneness with our Father God, Allah (swt). we are the Angels (Supreme Beings) building our Heaven (Supreme State of Being) upon this Earth-land, the Original Throne of Allah's Ever-Lasting Dominion.

we welcome all who wish to be part and partial of the "Uplifting Acts" of our Ascension, from Fallen humanity, to the Risen God-Man, The Spirit and Son of Allah (swt) made manifest in flesh, it is time for our progress, advancement, exaltation, etc. and we, the Living Moorish American Nation, must do it!!!

our Tribe awaits all who know their Universal conditions can be better, because they know they are Part of Allah (swt), the Almighty Father of Universe, and Omnipotent Lord of all The Worlds.

we are the Living El Tribe, the living children of the original man, the living descendants of the first Angels of the human family, and the living image and likeness of Allah (swt) upon the Earth-land. we are the Ever-Lasting Tribe (sons and daughters) of the Ever-Living God, Allah (swt), The Moors (Supreme beings).

we are the Original Thought of Allah (swt) made manifest.....

Moor To The Core: Islamism Forever

Peace/Suluhu (Wa Alaikum Al Salamu Allah, swt),

Allah's Minister (Imamu);
El Ghazi, Prince Ka Saadi El (raa),
Supreme Grand Sheik (shehekuu Tufuku).
El Reysh: Faithful Leader of The New Moors.
"I am a Moslem"

Love (penda), Truth (ukweli), Peace (Suluhu), Freedom (Uhuru), Justice (Haki).

Our temple group of the MSTA - ALLAH'S TEMPLE (ALLAH'S BODY,ALLAH'S PORTION), begun between 1913-1929, ALLAH alone guides the destiny of our divine movement. We are re-building the MSTA into a NATIONAL POWER, and further into a GLOBAL DOMINION. Are you interested??? Become a member, and be a part and partial of our universal uplifting acts. Contact us at 1-832-590-0022 or by email at allahstemple@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/princekael


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